In its business activities, Steffens Biotec is committed to ethical principles and promotes the dissemination of ethical behaviour in our own company and among our business partners.
This includes compliance with applicable laws and regulations and compliance with human rights. Also promoted is the respectful and dignified treatment of people, the renunciation of obsessive actions and predicaments. Steffens Biotec is against the exploitation of humans, in particular of children as well as against the endangerment of health and life by disregard of health and safety regulations.
Steffens Biotec opposes any form of discrimination on grounds of disability, sexual, religious or ethnic reasons and promotes gender equality and the fair treatment of employees and subordinates.
Steffens Biotec condemns corruption and bribery. This includes not giving prospective clients inappropriate benefits, gifts, invitations or benefits.
Steffens Biotec is committed to the prevention of animal testing, for the welfare of animals.
Steffens Biotec campaigns for data security and the protection of personal data.
Steffens Biotec supports the protection of the environment and the sustainable use of resources.